Monday, February 8, 2010


Good news, chaps.

The e-mails page on the website has been revised to improve protection against los bandidos de spam.

The object of spammers is to have their "robots" look through all the pages on the Internet and to "harvest" unprotected e-mail addresses to send spam to. Protection is afforded by a) not having the straight address and b) involving the user in doing some human act that robots can not. For the technically minded (geeks) here's how it was done:

a) Instead of using the @ symbol, I used the HTML code for it: @. Then I added some hidden characters which, duh, being hidden, don't show on your screen. In our site CSS file, I added a pseudo-class "hddn" which will do just that. The CSS line is simply:
.hddn { display: none; }

the HTML to show the address is now:
member&#64;<span class="hddn">del.</span>

The "del." is extra text that doesn't show on your screen but, even if the robot isn't fooled by the HTML code for "@", it harvests your address with the "del." added i.e. Fooled you, Mr Robot!

b) When you copy the address from your screen, the "del." is included, even though it's hidden. When you paste the address into your e-mail, the "del." shows up and you have to delete it which is the human action referred to above. Only a human would know which bit to delete.

All the best!

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